Thursday, March 28, 2013

Class Summary 3/27/13 - 3/28/13

The past two days we have been working on our myebooks in the library. Although last night I was about ready to smash my computer into a million pieces because of that stupid website, today with the help of Mr. Boyle I got squared away. Despite getting it figured out I still hate computers especially the schools.

embedded myebook

Myebook - The Littlest Things Can Make a Difference - click here to open my ebook


Friday, March 22, 2013

Class Summary 2/21/13 - 3/22/13

On Thursday we finished filling out the worksheets that had questions on either MLK or Malcolm X. Then we watched a YouTube video of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. I was mesmerized by his ability to move you from his words. It gave me shivers. I like when we watch videos in history, I feel like I learn more from them and for some reason find it easier to pay attention. Today we started class looking at a picture a bunch of African-Americans walking in a line carrying American Flags. We wrote about our take away from it. After looking at the picture, we had a debate on if equality has been achieved today. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Class Summary 3/18/13 - 3/19/13

On Monday in class, we finished getting information and answering questions from the document our group was given. Everybody read a document on Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X. Then everybody split up and we shared the information we had. On Tuesday we had snow.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Class Summary 3/14/13 - 3/15/13

Yesterday we learned about sit ins. Sit ins were one of the non violent protests that African Americans did to try and gain equality. We watched a video about the sit ins and it was awful seeing how brutally they were treated during them, but amazing to see how strong the African-Americans were to endure them. We also took some notes on the Sit ins. Today during class we watched videos and read documents on the attacks of busses carrying African-Americans. The whites would torture them, trying to kill them by lighting the bus on fire or beating them to death. The worst part was a lot of times the cops would be aware of what was going to happen but would turn a blind eye, coming to the African Americans "rescue" in most cases a little too late. I am honestly ashamed of my race...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Class Summary 3/12/13 - 3/13/13

Yesterday during class we had a sub and we watched a video recapping a lot of things we had already learned in class on the sparks to the civil rights movement such as Emmet Hill, Rosa Parks, and MLK. Then today during class we were given some papers on the first African-Amercans to attend a white school and how they had to have soldiers lead them into class though this didn't stop the tormenting the whites did to them. We then watched a video on it. The white people in the video looked absolutely psycho, scary, cruel and awful and I find it extremely hard to wrap my head around the fact that not only did this happen at all, but it happened not so long ago. It sickens me.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Class Summary 3/5/13 - 3/6/13

Yesterday in class we talked about segregation specifically in schools which became a big problem after the civil war. Whites just thought blacks were low life and "dirty" and didn't want to associate with them. This offended and angered the blacks, some even claiming that equality would be possible to obtain in the US with whites. They stated the only way equality and tranquility would occur would be if blacks moved back to their homeland, Africa.  Today in class we watched a documentary on the killing of Emmett Till's case. Watching or hearing things about how cruelly people were treated for something they couldn't control gets me extremely mad. What makes me even more mad is the fact those two lame excuse for men scumbags got away with not just murdering but torturing a boy. After the case they came out and told everyone the truth, practically bragging about it. I really hope he fainted and didn't feel them doing those awful things to his face and body. A little while ago in english we were asked if breaking the law is ever right, and this case proves to me sometimes it is. I wish someone killed those men, I really do. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Class Summary 3/1/13 - 3/4/13

Friday we didn't have class because it was a half day. Today we talked about the Scotsboro Trials where black men were accused of raping two white girls who they didn't touch. My group got one of the men accused, and as we ready the timeline of the case we wrote journal entries from his perspective. The case is what the book To Kill A Mockingbird was based on.