Monday, January 7, 2013

Class Summary 1/4/13 - 1/7/13

On Friday at the beginning of class we were given a packet of six journals that were written during the time of the Civil War. Reading these entries we were supposed to come up with our own journal entry depending on what perspective we were given. I was assigned to write in the voice of someone supporting the Union. I had fun taking a creative spin to History class. Today we had the quiz on the Gettysburg Address. After that, we took way too many notes on the Civil War and how the Union had an advantage because of their tactic of cutting off (or destroying) the Confederate's supplies, which btw I thought was mean and stupid because who wants to rejoin to a country that burned and destroyed all of your belongings? Not me. After we took the notes, we started to watch a movie on the Anaconda policy.

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