Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Class Summary 11/17/12- 11/28/12

Yesterday in class we read the Dred Scott case and then had a discussion about it. We debated whether or not you should be able to have something legally in one state and then move to a different state where its illegal.  Some people argued since its your property they cant take it away from you, while others thought you should abide by the laws of the state you are in so therefore it is illegal. This is when we realized what the Dred Scott case really meant for that time period, if  owning slaves in a state where it was forbidden was okay because you moved from a state it was legal,  ultimately everywhere is slave state, defeating the purpose of free states, for there to be a safe haven for slaves. Today in class we watched a clip on the Lincoln-Douglas debate. I preferred the video over a reading section because it made it easier for you to understand and retain the knowledge. We then filled out a sheet from documents we were given about the debate and where each potential Presidents opinions lay. Lincoln was anti-slavery and Douglas was pro-slavery.  Oh and so far my thirty day challenge has been good, with basketball starting we run everyday anyways. 

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