Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Classroom Summary 12/17/12 - 12/18/12

Yesterday in history class we had a fun activity. We were given a sheet and were told to use a phone with a QR coder and go around the school scanning codes which gave us information on different battles during the civil war. We then used the information to find out what battle it described. It turned into race with everyone trying to finish first. It was a fun and exciting way to learn and it got us up and moving. Today in history class we were given a piece of paper called "to suspend or not suspend" which was all about, Habeas Corpus. We read situations peopel were in and where or not we thought they should be granted Habeas Corpus. Many people disagreed and we realized how tricky it is to deal with situations like these. We then read another article on Habeas Corpus which told Clement L. Vallandugham's story. We discussed whether  Lincoln was justified in taking it on himself to ban Habeas Corpus.

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