Friday, September 21, 2012

Summary Of Class 9/19/12 - 9/20/12

Wednesday we dropped class, but yesterday in class we discussed the views of the Federalists and Non-federalist. The Federalist supported the Constitution and the non-Federalists did not. We were each given a paper with either the Federalist or non-Federalist views and their reasons for their opinion, I got the Federalists. We then found someone with our same paper and paired up with them to take notes. The paper also had a few quotes that supported the views of the Federalists. We then found a different partner and created a large magazine cover which supported whatever side we were assigned. Rachel and I made the name of our poster be Feds and we drew One Direction stating they also supported the federalist. We also wrote phrases that would catch peoples eyes and make them want to read the magazine. 

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